

Explore our exhibitions to date, from when we opened in 1946 to what’s on right now.

Retrospective Joseph Kutter

09.01.1946 - 03.02.1946

Maurice Denis, Edouard Vuillard and Pierre Bonnard

27.11.1948 - 19.12.1948

Frans Masereel - Retrospective

28.06.1951 - 22.07.1951

Dominique Lang - Retrospective

28.11.1953 - 13.12.1953

Masters of modern art

15.12.1956 - 13.01.1957

Joseph Kutter

07.01.1961 - 05.02.1961

Stages of Luxembourgish art

22.06.1963 - 14.07.1963

Jean Le Moal - Retrospective

12.10.1963 - 10.11.1963

Jean Bertholle - Retrospective

09.05.1964 - 21.06.1964

Indian Miniatures, Sculptures by Sehgal

26.03.1966 - 17.04.1966

Alfred Manessier - Works from 1935 to 1968

19.09.1969 - 26.10.1969

Nico Klopp

14.11.1969 - 14.12.1969

Maurice Marinot (1882-1960)

03.03.1972 - 09.04.1972

School of Paris

02.05.1972 - 28.05.1972

Sculptures by Étienne Hajdú, Baltasar Lobo and Juana Muller

21.09.1973 - 21.10.1973

Francis Montanier: Paintings, engraved plasters

22.10.1976 - 21.11.1976

The Mayrischs - The Contribution and Europe-wide Radiation of a Luxembourg Family

28.11.1980 - 04.01.1981

150 years of Luxembourgish paintings

08.05.1981 - 31.05.1981

Lucien Wercollier - 50 years of sculpture

20.05.1983 - 19.06.1983

Joseph Probst - Retrospective

13.12.1991 - 12.01.1992

Luxembourg - Europe: Tureens from the 18th century

22.04.1994 - 29.04.1994

Joseph Kutter (1894-1941) Retrospective - Paintings and Drawings

13.12.1994 - 15.01.1995

Jean-Pierre Beckius

11.12.1996 - 15.02.1997

Patrick Caulfield Retrospective

30.04.1999 - 13.06.1999

Victor Hugo et le Grand-Duché de Luxembourg

30.11.2002 - 12.01.2003

Michel Stoffel - Retrospective

06.12.2003 - 11.01.2004

Fougeron following Courbet's example

18.02.2005 - 27.03.2005

Gilles Aillaud - Retrospective

15.04.2005 - 05.06.2005

Kutter and the European Expressionism

07.07.2007 - 08.19.2007

Edward Steichen - Portraits

29.04.2011 - 28.08.2011

Joseph Probst – 100th birthday

18.11.2011 - 25.03.2012

B.C. Koekkoek und die luxemburgische Landschaft

22.02.2013 - 09.06.2013

Jean Schaack (1895-1959)

11.10.2013 - 23.02.2014

H. Craig Hanna: Paintings and drawings

04.03.2016 - 26.06.2016

Figure in Print

22.01.2021 - 27.06.2021

Luxembourg's Colonial Past

08.04.2022 - 06.11.2022


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