Joseph Probst – 100th birthday
Joseph Probst – 100th birthday
18.11.2011 - 25.03.2012
On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Joseph Probst, the National Museum of History and Art and the Cercle Cité joined forces to pay tribute to this major figure in Luxembourg's artistic landscape. The 50+ artworks exhibited at the MNHA gave the visitors the opportunity to see the evolution of the artist's creation, from the beginning of his career to the end of his life.
Selection of exhibited works
- Stained Glass Window showing an Aerial View of the Steel Industry District in Differdange | 2003-062/001
- Plunged into Black Soil | 1971-010/001
- Still Life | 1986-188/017
- Capriccio | 1979-224/001
- The Red Nucleus | 1968-040/001
- Portrait of Jemp Michels | 2009-080/001
- Seated Woman | 2009-030/042

Find more documents in our archives
The exhibition is listed under the reference LU-MNHA-EX-01-01-2011-05. The archives contain, among other documents, the exhibition poster (LU-MNHA-EX-01-02-2011-07 et LU-MNHA-EX-01-02-2011-08), correspondence, artwork lists, invitation cards, photographs and press clippings.