Victor Hugo et le Grand-Duché de Luxembourg - Dessins et lavis
Victor Hugo et le Grand-Duché de Luxembourg - Dessins et lavis
30.11.2002 - 12.01.2003
The exhibition was organised to celebrate the bicentenary of French writer Victor Hugo's birth and his relationship with the Grand Duchy. It was produced in collaboration with the Maison Victor Hugo in Vianden, with the support of the French Embassy and the French Cultural Center on Victor Hugo, as part of the Franco-Luxembourg Cultural Convention.
Selection of exhibited works
- Castle on a Hill | 1976-017/002
- The Schengen Castle | 1976-017/001

Find more documents in our archives
The exhibition is listed under the reference LU-MNHA-EX-01-01-2002-01. The archives contain, among other documents, the exhibition poster (LU-MNHA-EX-01-02-2002-01 and LU-MNHA-EX-01-02-2002-02), correspondence, speeches, object lists, invitation cards, brochures and press clippings.