150 years of Luxembourgish paintings
150 years of Luxembourgish paintings
08.05.1981 - 31.05.1981
The exhibition was organised on the occasion of the third conference of European ministers responsible for cultural affairs.
A selection of exhibited works
- Jean-Pierre Huberty | The Secret | 1941-100/115
- Joseph Kutter | Boy with hobby horse | 1941-100/080
- Jean-Pierre Sauvage | Francis I, Holy Roman Emperor | 1939-010/019
- Sosthène Weis | Grund | 1963-038/014
- Jean-Baptiste Fresez | Self-Portrait | 1941-100/342

Find more documents in our archives
The exhibition is listed under the reference LU-MNHA-EX-01-01-1981-05. The archives contain, among other documents, the exhibition poster (LU-MNHA-EX-01-02-1981-04), press releases and press clippings.