The Portrait Society | Filippo Balbi

27/6/1997 | 4th quarter 20th centuryCharcoal and acrylic on canvasH x L : 50 x 40 cm

Filippo Balbi was an Italian painter of the 19th century about whose life little is known. He probably trained in Naples. However, he then was active in Rome, where he executed works for several churches. His style was very traditional, as he closed himself off to the innovations of modernism. His few surviving paintings are to be seen today mainly in Italian museums. Some works are still in situ, for example in the Roman churches of Santi Giovanni e Paolo and San Paolo fuori le Mura.

Filippo Balbi was an Italian painter of the 19th century about whose life little is known. He probably trained in Naples. However, he then was active in Rome, where he executed works for several churches. His style was very traditional, as he closed himself off to the innovations of modernism. His few surviving paintings are to be seen today mainly in Italian museums. Some works are still in situ, for example in the Roman churches of Santi Giovanni e Paolo and San Paolo fuori le Mura.


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