The Portrait Society | Domenico Riccio Brusasorzi

23/6/1997 | 4th quarter 20th centuryCharcoal and acrylic on canvasH x L : 50 x 40 cm

Domenico Riccio Brusasorzi came from the Riccio family of artists, originally from Lombardy, and from 1553, he adopted the surname Brusasorzi (also: Brusasorci). Domenico's father was also a painter. He trained Domenico before his son joined the workshop of Giovanni Francesco Caroto. Domenico set up his own business early on and in the 1540s, he worked on frescoes in the churches of Sant'Eufemia and Santa Maria in Organo, and under the direction of Michele Sanmicheli on the decoration of Palazzo Canossa in Verona. From 1552, he executed together with Paolo Veronese and other artists the altarpieces for Mantua Cathedral, commissioned by Cardinal Ercole Gonzaga. Brusasorzi also worked together with Veronese on his next commission, the frescoing of the Palazzo Iseppo Porto in Vicenza. Also in Vicenza, he frescoed a ceiling for the Palazzo Chiericati in November 1558. In the following ten years until his death, Brusasorzi carried out numerous other commissions, mainly in Verona. These included one of his most important works: a more than 40-metre-long fresco cycle in the Palazzo Ridolfi-Da Lisca in Verona, showing the coronation of Emperor Charles V and of Pope Clement VII. Brusasorzi was also a musician and one of the members who founded the Accademia Filarmonica in his home town in 1543. Three of his children, Felice, Giovanni Battista and Cecilia, also became painters.

Domenico Riccio Brusasorzi came from the Riccio family of artists, originally from Lombardy, and from 1553, he adopted the surname Brusasorzi (also: Brusasorci). Domenico's father was also a painter. He trained Domenico before his son joined the workshop of Giovanni Francesco Caroto. Domenico set up his own business early on and in the 1540s, he worked on frescoes in the churches of Sant'Eufemia and Santa Maria in Organo, and under the direction of Michele Sanmicheli on the decoration of Palazzo Canossa in Verona. From 1552, he executed together with Paolo Veronese and other artists the altarpieces for Mantua Cathedral, commissioned by Cardinal Ercole Gonzaga. Brusasorzi also worked together with Veronese on his next commission, the frescoing of the Palazzo Iseppo Porto in Vicenza. Also in Vicenza, he frescoed a ceiling for the Palazzo Chiericati in November 1558. In the following ten years until his death, Brusasorzi carried out numerous other commissions, mainly in Verona. These included one of his most important works: a more than 40-metre-long fresco cycle in the Palazzo Ridolfi-Da Lisca in Verona, showing the coronation of Emperor Charles V and of Pope Clement VII. Brusasorzi was also a musician and one of the members who founded the Accademia Filarmonica in his home town in 1543. Three of his children, Felice, Giovanni Battista and Cecilia, also became painters.


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