The Portrait Society | Emil Löwenthal

8/10/1997 | 4th quarter 20th centuryCharcoal and acrylic on canvasH x L : 50 x 40 cm

Emil Löwenthal was born in Posen and studied painting there. From 1860, he lived in Berlin where he exhibited his works several times. Although he was a well-established artist with numerous clients and was a friend of Prince George of Prussia, he experienced anti-Semitic hostility. Löwenthal moved to Rome, where he joined the German Artists' Association and taught painting. In 1896, Löwenthal died in the spa town of Bad Ems where he was buried in the local Jewish cemetery.

Emil Löwenthal was born in Posen and studied painting there. From 1860, he lived in Berlin where he exhibited his works several times. Although he was a well-established artist with numerous clients and was a friend of Prince George of Prussia, he experienced anti-Semitic hostility. Löwenthal moved to Rome, where he joined the German Artists' Association and taught painting. In 1896, Löwenthal died in the spa town of Bad Ems where he was buried in the local Jewish cemetery.


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