The Portrait Society | Jules Breton

4th quarter 20th centuryCharcoal and acrylic on canvasH x L : 50 x 40 cm

The French painter Jules Breton specialised in depicting rural scenes of his native northern France. His paintings show people at work in the fields or at home, as well as rural celebrations and processions, usually against the backdrop of the rising or setting sun. Today, museums in France and North America are home to most of his works. Vincent van Gogh expressed his admiration for Breton in several letters to his brother. In addition to his work as a painter, Breton was a successful writer.

The French painter Jules Breton specialised in depicting rural scenes of his native northern France. His paintings show people at work in the fields or at home, as well as rural celebrations and processions, usually against the backdrop of the rising or setting sun. Today, museums in France and North America are home to most of his works. Vincent van Gogh expressed his admiration for Breton in several letters to his brother. In addition to his work as a painter, Breton was a successful writer.


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