Fay Wray as “Ophelia”

Print: probably 1925 - 1939H x L : 25.4 x 20.2 cm

Edward Steichen photographed Fay Wray for the August 1930 issue of Vanity Fair as Ophelia from Shakespeare’s Hamlet. It is remarkable, that – according to the inscription on the front of the photograph - Steichen took the portrait two years before it was actually published. This photograph was apparently not used to promote a project, but to profile the actress, who never played the role of Ophelia.

Edward Steichen photographed Fay Wray for the August 1930 issue of Vanity Fair as Ophelia from Shakespeare’s Hamlet. It is remarkable, that – according to the inscription on the front of the photograph - Steichen took the portrait two years before it was actually published. This photograph was apparently not used to promote a project, but to profile the actress, who never played the role of Ophelia.


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