Solitude - F. Holland Day

Print: after 1953 - before 1971H x L : 27.8 x 35.3 cm

F. Holland Day (1864-1933) was an American photographer and a publisher. Steichen and Day met in London in 1900 and became friends. They discussed the art of photography and Day taught Steichen to experiment and take risks when photographing, processing, and developing prints. 

When Steichen portrayed Day, he not only carefully composed the picture, but also experimented for several months in his studio before he reached this result, which finally satisfied him.

F. Holland Day (1864-1933) was an American photographer and a publisher. Steichen and Day met in London in 1900 and became friends. They discussed the art of photography and Day taught Steichen to experiment and take risks when photographing, processing, and developing prints. 

When Steichen portrayed Day, he not only carefully composed the picture, but also experimented for several months in his studio before he reached this result, which finally satisfied him.


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