Les photographies qui composent The Family of Man ont
été groupées par Edward Steichen et ses collaborateurs
sous les titres suivants:
Die Photos wurden von Edward Steichen und seinen Mit-
arbeitern folgendermaßen gruppiert:
Prologue: 1-4, 6, 9-11
Lovers: 12 - 25
Marriage: 26 - 32
Pregnancy: 33-41
Childbirth: 42 - 44
Nursing mothers: 45 - 47
Births: 48 - 50
Mothers and babies: 51 - 65
Children (A): 66 - 83
Family activities: 84 - 87, 89, 91, 92
Children (B): 93 - 106
Fathers and sons: 107 - 114
Family groups: 116 - 120
Land: 121 - 141
Work (A): 142 - 144, 146 - 148, 150 - 167, 505
Work (B): 169 - 188
Woman's work: 189 - 193
Adult play: 195 - 215, 217 - 221
Classical music: 194, 222 - 226
Jazz and blues: 227 - 232
Dance: 233 - 244
Folk music: 247 - 253
Food: 254 - 260, 262 - 268
Ring around the Rosy: 270, 272, 274, 275, 277 - 287
Relationships: 269, 288, 290 - 311, 313, 314, 316 - 327, 358
Learning: 328 - 336, 338 - 344, 346, 347
Death: 348 - 357. 359, 360
Religious expressions: 361 - 374
Aloneness and compassion: 375 - 385
Aspirations: 386 - 389
Hard times: 390 - 394
Famine: 395 - 398, 400
Inhumanities: 404 - 405
Revolt: 406 - 413, 422
Teens: 414 - 421, 423, 424, 426 - 433
434 - 436
Man’s judgment:
Voting: 437 - 439
Government: 441 - 445
Faces: 446 - 455
Bomb: 456
Couples: 457 - 464
Childhood magic: 465 - 503