Joseph Kutter

Joseph Kutter

07.01.1961 - 05.02.1961


Exhibition organized by the State Museums about the work of Joseph Kutter.

A selection of exhibited works

  • Chiemsee | 1941-100/244 - Cat. No. 91
  • Woman with a flower | 2013-257/001 - Cat. No. 13
  • Still Life | 1941-100/092 - Cat. No. 11
  • Leaning Woman | 2009-030/008 - Cat. No. 19
  • The Ill Man | 2009-030/002 - Cat. No. 4
  • Still Life | 2009-030/011 - Cat. No. 22

Find more documents in our archive

The exhibition is listed under the reference . The archives contain, among other documents, two exhibition posters (), invitation cards and photographs.


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