Kutter and the European Expressionism
Kutter and the European Expressionism
07.07.2007 - 08.19.2007
The exhibition was organised by the Musée National as part of "Luxembourg and Greater Region, European Capital of Culture 2007", under the patronage of Their Royal Highnesses the Grand Duke and Grand Duchess, and focused on the work of Luxembourg painter Joseph Kutter (1894-1941).
Selected paintings on display
- Self-portrait with red shirt | 1941-100/134 - Cat. No. 7
- Munshausen; The white houses | 1941-100/200 - Cat. No. 36
- Luxembourg | 1941-100/194
- Boy with hobby horse | 1941-100/080
- Red Houses | 1941-100/338

Find more documents in our archives
The exhibition is listed under reference LU-MNHA-EX-01-01-2007-03. The archives contain, among other documents, the exhibition posters (LU-MNHA-EX-01-02-2007-05 and LU-MNHA-EX-01-02-2007-06), lists of works, press reviews and photos.