Masters of modern art

Masters of modern art

15.12.1956 - 13.01.1957

The exhibition was organised by the Musée national d'Art Moderne in Paris and the State Museum (Luxembourg). In terms of content, it presented among others the works of the artists:

Pierre Bonnard (1867-1947),

Georges Braque (1882-1963),

Marc Chagall (1887-1985),

Robert Delaunay (1885-1941),

André Derain (1880-1954),

Raoul Dufy (1877-1953),

Maurice Estève (1904-2001),

Wassily Kandinsky (1866-1944),

Fernand Léger (1881-1955),

Alfred Manessier (1911-1993),

Henri Matisse (1896-1954),

Joan Miró (1893-1983),

Pablo Picasso (1881-1973),

Édouard Pignon (1905-1993),

Georges Rouault (1871-1958),

Maurice Utrillo (1883-1955),

Kees van Dongen (1877-1968),

Jacques Villon (1875-1963),

Maurice de Vlaminck (1876-1958).

Find more documents in our archives

The exhibition is classified under reference LU-MNHA-EX-01-01-1956-15. The archives have amongst other documents the exhibition poster (LU-MNHA-EX-01-02-1956-03), correspondence, plans for setting up the exhibition and photographs.


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