Patrick Caulfield Retrospective

Patrick Caulfield Retrospective

30.04.1999 - 13.06.1999

The travelling exhibition was put together by the British Council and Hayward Gallery (London) on the work of the English artist Patrick Caulfield (1936-2005).

Selected paintings on display

  • Stained Glass Window, 1965 | Cat. 1999-05, No. 11
  • Bend in the Road, 1967 | Cat. 1999-05, No. 12
  • Desk, 1991 | Cat. 1999-05, No. 46

Some additional information

Find more documents in our archives

The exhibition is listed under the reference LU-MNHA-EX-01-01-1999-04. The archive contains among other documents, lists of works, invitation cards, press releases and documents relating to the organization of the opening.


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