Retrospective Joseph Kutter

Retrospective Joseph Kutter

09.01.1946 - 03.02.1946

The exhibition was organised by the Museum to reflect the work of the Luxembourg painter Joseph Kutter (1894-1941).

A selection of exhibited works

  • Selfportrait with red shirt | 1941-100/134 - Cat. No. 7
  • Red Houses | 1941-100/338 - Cat. No. 30
  • Munshausen; The white houses | 1941-100/200 - Cat. No. 36
  • Snowy landscape | 1941-100/201 - Cat. No. 39
  • Luxembourg | 1941-100/194 - Cat. No. 41

The catalogue of the exhibition

Find more documents in our archives

The exhibition is listed under the reference LU-MNHA-EX-01-01-1946-01. The archives contain, among other documents, the exhibition poster (LU-MNHA-EX-01-02-1946-01), correspondence and invitation cards.


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