Michel Stoffel - Retrospective

Michel Stoffel - Retrospective

06.12.2003 - 11.01.2004

This retrospective exhibition was organised on the occasion of the centenary of the birth of Luxembourg artist Michel Stoffel (1903-1963).

Selection of exhibited works

  • Old District in Weimar | 1941-100/426
  • Maroccan Gardens | 1941-100/401
  • The Magician | 1949-053/001
  • Composition | 1958-D7/004

Find more documents in our archives

The exhibition is listed under the reference LU-MNHA-EX-01-01-2003-06. The archives contain, among other documents, the exhibition poster (LU-MNHA-EX-01-02-2003-06) and invitation cards.


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