
Results: 133

Search results:

Portrait of the Artist's Father
Head of an Old Man
Saint Anthony
Saint Jerome
Bacchus, Venus and Cupid
Still Life (flowers and fruit with squirrel)
Francis I, Holy Roman Emperor
Christ Carrying the Cross
Hunting and Labour
The Magnanimity of Scipio
Virgin and Child Surrounded by Saints - Crucifixion
Crucifix Painted on Both Sides
The Abduction of Helen
A Rocky Coast with a Lighthouse and a Shipwreck
Virgin and Child
Virgin and Child Surrounded by Saints
Maria Theresa of Austria with the Crown of Hungary (1717-1780)
Virgin and Child
Saint Bernardino of Siena and Saint John the Baptist
Head of an Old Man
Head of an Old Man
Flight into Egypt
Head of an Old Man
Rest after Hunting
Head of an Old Man
View of the Villa Mattei
Madonna and Child
Portrait of Carlo Gastone della Torre di Rezzonico
Virgin and Child Surrounded by Saints
The Adoration of the Shepherds

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