The Portrait Society | Emilio Gola

28/7/1997 | 4th quarter 20th centuryCharcoal and acrylic on canvasH x L : 50 x 40 cm

Emilio Gola was an Italian painter who came from a noble family. After studying engineering in Milan, he took private painting lessons in the studio of Sebastiano de Albertis. His wealthy family background enabled Gola to undertake several study trips to France, England and the Netherlands. He specialised in landscapes and city views, especially of Northern Italy, as well as portraits. His paintings are characterised by free brushstrokes and bright colours.

Emilio Gola was an Italian painter who came from a noble family. After studying engineering in Milan, he took private painting lessons in the studio of Sebastiano de Albertis. His wealthy family background enabled Gola to undertake several study trips to France, England and the Netherlands. He specialised in landscapes and city views, especially of Northern Italy, as well as portraits. His paintings are characterised by free brushstrokes and bright colours.


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