The Portrait Society | Peter Johannes Brandl

17/4/1996 | 4th quarter 20th centuryCharcoal and acrylic on canvasH x L : 50 x 40 cm

Peter Johannes Brandl was the most important Bohemian painter of the Baroque period. He was a pupil of the Prague court painter Christian Schröder and during his training had the opportunity to study Italian and Dutch painting in the royal collection. At the Prague court, he also had contact with artists from all over Europe. Brandl did not make a single study trip in his life, but his apprenticeship at the Prague court was very significant for his artistic development. In Brandl's work, the international influences gathered during his apprenticeship merged with the traditional painting of his Bohemian homeland. He specialised in altarpieces, but also painted small-format portraits and genre scenes. Many of his altarpieces are still to be seen in situ in churches and monasteries in the Czech Republic or are housed in Czech museums.

Peter Johannes Brandl was the most important Bohemian painter of the Baroque period. He was a pupil of the Prague court painter Christian Schröder and during his training had the opportunity to study Italian and Dutch painting in the royal collection. At the Prague court, he also had contact with artists from all over Europe. Brandl did not make a single study trip in his life, but his apprenticeship at the Prague court was very significant for his artistic development. In Brandl's work, the international influences gathered during his apprenticeship merged with the traditional painting of his Bohemian homeland. He specialised in altarpieces, but also painted small-format portraits and genre scenes. Many of his altarpieces are still to be seen in situ in churches and monasteries in the Czech Republic or are housed in Czech museums.


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