The Portrait Society | Andrea Boscoli

2/7/1997 | 4th quarter 20th centuryCharcoal and acrylic on canvasH x L : 50 x 40 cm

Andrea Boscoli was an Italian painter. He began his training in his home town of Florence in the workshop of Santi di Tito around 1575. The contemporary biographer Filippo Baldinucci wrote about Boscoli that he was able to imitate his master so well already at an early age that in some paintings from the workshop one does not know whether it was painted by the master or the pupil. Boscoli's earliest independent works are dated 1582. In the 1580s, he spent some time in Rome for study, but by 1587 he was back in Florence and commissioned to fresco the cloister of San Pier Maggiore. Further commissions for frescoes in various towns in Tuscany and the Marche followed. Boscoli also executed numerous mythological and religious paintings for churches and private patrons. Most of his panel paintings are nowadays in museums in Florence and Pisa.

Andrea Boscoli was an Italian painter. He began his training in his home town of Florence in the workshop of Santi di Tito around 1575. The contemporary biographer Filippo Baldinucci wrote about Boscoli that he was able to imitate his master so well already at an early age that in some paintings from the workshop one does not know whether it was painted by the master or the pupil. Boscoli's earliest independent works are dated 1582. In the 1580s, he spent some time in Rome for study, but by 1587 he was back in Florence and commissioned to fresco the cloister of San Pier Maggiore. Further commissions for frescoes in various towns in Tuscany and the Marche followed. Boscoli also executed numerous mythological and religious paintings for churches and private patrons. Most of his panel paintings are nowadays in museums in Florence and Pisa.


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