The Portrait Society | Mazzini Beduschi

24/10/1997 | 4th quarter 20th centuryCharcoal and acrylic on canvasH x L : 50 x 40 cm

Mazzini Beduschi was an Italian painter who was mainly active in Rome in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. At the beginning of the 20th century, he moved from his home town of Mantua to Florence, and later on to Rome. His art was influenced by the painting of the French Impressionists. In 1901, he took part in the Venice Biennale. On the occasion of the 1903 Biennale, Beduschi published the art-critical book Arte Contemporanea. In 1912, he joined the Roman Secession group. Having attended a military school, Beduschi became an officer in the Italian army during World War I. After World War I, Beduschi continued being politically active. He lived and worked in Rome until his death.

Mazzini Beduschi was an Italian painter who was mainly active in Rome in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. At the beginning of the 20th century, he moved from his home town of Mantua to Florence, and later on to Rome. His art was influenced by the painting of the French Impressionists. In 1901, he took part in the Venice Biennale. On the occasion of the 1903 Biennale, Beduschi published the art-critical book Arte Contemporanea. In 1912, he joined the Roman Secession group. Having attended a military school, Beduschi became an officer in the Italian army during World War I. After World War I, Beduschi continued being politically active. He lived and worked in Rome until his death.


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