The Portrait Society | Giovanni Contarini

6/10/1997 | 4th quarter 20th centuryCharcoal and acrylic on canvasH x L : 50 x 40 cm

Giovanni Contarini was a Venetian painter of the late Renaissance who was known for being able to exactly imitate the style of his great example Titian. Today, numerous churches in Venice, but also museums in Berlin, Vienna, Florence and Milan still showcase his paintings. Contarini spent several years as court painter at the court of Emperor Rudolf II in Prague, by whom he was raised to the nobility.

Giovanni Contarini was a Venetian painter of the late Renaissance who was known for being able to exactly imitate the style of his great example Titian. Today, numerous churches in Venice, but also museums in Berlin, Vienna, Florence and Milan still showcase his paintings. Contarini spent several years as court painter at the court of Emperor Rudolf II in Prague, by whom he was raised to the nobility.


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