Fay Wray et John Monk Saunders

Print: probably 1930 - 1939H x L : 25.4 x 20.3 cm

Fay Wray (1907-2004) was an American actress. Through the 1930s, Wray was the star of many horror films, the most famous of which is King Kong (1933). In 1928, Fay Wray married John Monk Saunders (1897-1940), a novelist, journalist and screenwriter. In 1931, Edward Steichen photographed the married couple to promote the Broadway play Nikki, which Saunders wrote and in which Wray played the title character.

Fay Wray (1907-2004) was an American actress. Through the 1930s, Wray was the star of many horror films, the most famous of which is King Kong (1933). In 1928, Fay Wray married John Monk Saunders (1897-1940), a novelist, journalist and screenwriter. In 1931, Edward Steichen photographed the married couple to promote the Broadway play Nikki, which Saunders wrote and in which Wray played the title character.


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