Fahrrad (Veloziped), genannt Michauline
H x L x P: 126.8 x 175 x 52.2 cm
Objekt: Fahrrad (Veloziped), genannt Michauline
- Künstler*in | Hersteller*in:
- Unknown maker
- Titel:
- Bicycle, called Michauline
- Inventarnummer:
- 1979-SM/003
- Sammlung:
- Kunsthandwerk und Volkskunst
- Sammlungsbereich:
- Transport
- Bezeichnung:
- Bicycle
- Maße:
- H x L x P: 126.8 x 175 x 52.2 cm
- Inschrift(en):
- Mark (S.M.)
- Beschreibung:
- Two wooden wheels with iron tires. Pedal drive on the front wheel. Solid square iron frame forged into a fork at the rear. The upper part of the frame acts as a spring. Cylinder-shaped metal pedals with concave walls. Straight round handlebars with file grips. Brake operated by pulling a handlebar on the rear wheel by means of a steel cable. Leather saddle filled with horsehair. Painted black. Rims and spokes painted black with yellow piping.
- Standort:
- Depot
- Erwerbsmethode:
- This object has been retro-inventoried. The circumstances of its arrival in the collection are currently not known. If you have any information that might be useful to the work’s provenance, please contact digital@mnaha.etat.lu .
- Erwerbsdatum:
- avant et incertain 1979
- Urheberrecht:
Werk: Public Domain
Bild(er): CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) | Tom Lucas / MNAHA
Metadaten: CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0)
- Fotograf:
- Tom Lucas
Objekt: Suchen
- Künstler*in | Hersteller*in:
- Unknown maker
- Titel:
- Bicycle, called Michauline
- Inventarnummer:
- 1979-SM/003
- Sammlung:
- Kunsthandwerk und Volkskunst
- Sammlungsbereich:
- Transport
- Bezeichnung:
- Bicycle
- Maße:
- H x L x P: 126.8 x 175 x 52.2 cm
- Inschrift(en):
- Mark (S.M.)
- Beschreibung:
- Two wooden wheels with iron tires. Pedal drive on the front wheel. Solid square iron frame forged into a fork at the rear. The upper part of the frame acts as a spring. Cylinder-shaped metal pedals with concave walls. Straight round handlebars with file grips. Brake operated by pulling a handlebar on the rear wheel by means of a steel cable. Leather saddle filled with horsehair. Painted black. Rims and spokes painted black with yellow piping.
- Standort:
- Depot
- Erwerbsmethode:
- This object has been retro-inventoried. The circumstances of its arrival in the collection are currently not known. If you have any information that might be useful to the work’s provenance, please contact digital@mnaha.etat.lu .
- Erwerbsdatum:
- avant et incertain 1979
- Urheberrecht:
Werk: Public Domain
Bild(er): CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) | Tom Lucas / MNAHA
Metadaten: CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0)
- Fotograf:
- Tom Lucas