Biography of Jean Lurgat
July ıst, birth of Jean Lurcat in Bruyeres, Vosges; high school in Epinal;
then Nancy University.
1912 Forsakes medical studies for painting.
1914 Enlisted in infantry.
Wounded, he is evacuated to Roanne. He has his mother execute his first
canvas stitches tapestry an aquarelle.
Discharged. Immediate departure for Geneva. Holiday in the Tessin with
the musician Ferrucio Busoni, Jeanne Bucher, Rainer-Maria Rilke, Hermann
Sets and costumes of ’Celui qui reçoit des gifles’ by Andreiev, for the
Pitoeff Company.
Trips in Spain, North Africa, Sahara, Greece, Asia Minor. Those vast and
denuded spaces impress him and will inspire him for a long time. He finds
in cubism and surrealism answers to certain preoccupations.
He has four canvas stitches tapestries executed for the living-room of
Mr. P. David Weill and ’L’Orage’ for Mr. Georges Salles.
1928 Stays in Greece, Rome and New York.
Works in New York. First tapestry, ’L’Orage’ executed at Aubusson for
Madame Cuttoli.
Spain. First tapestry executed on high-warp loom at the ’Manufacture
nationale des Gobelins': 'Les Illusions d’Icare’.
First meeting with the weaver Francois Tabard of Aubusson. Second
tapestry ’Forêts’ executed at the Gobelins. He then sees in Angers the wall
hanging ?’L’Apocalypse’ and decides to devote his life to tapestry.
September, the war breaks out. With Gromaire and Dubreuil, he settles in
Aubusson where he was commissioned by the Department of National
Education to oversee a number of requested tapestries. He has the new
technique definitely perfected; counted shades, big stitches, strong weaving.
1940 Weaving of about 20 tapestries in the Tabard and Goubely factories.
Co-operation with Andre Derain and Raoul Dufy.