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Inventory of the arsenal of the fortress of Luxembourg (1733)
Boundary marker of the border between the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg and the Kingdom of Belgium
Instructions for the Daun infantry regiment
Map of the city of Luxembourg with the former fortifications
The capitulation of Luxembourg, drawn and etched in camp by a French volunteer
Plan of one of the redoubts built by the Spanish outside Luxembourg city
Officer's spontoon with the monogram of Archduchess Maria Theresia (1717-1780)
Sword of honour
Adam Sigmund von Thüngen, interim commander of the Luxembourg fortress
Prussian flintlock wall gun
Luxembourg in 1908, with a large part of the municipality of Hollerich
Flintlock pistol
Passport for Wilhelm Reinhard von Neipperg from Vienna to Luxembourg
Bust representing Friedrich Wilhelm IV von Preußen (1795-1861)
Mauser Mle 1898 ranger rifle, converted into a hunting weapon
Rosalie, Jeanne, Louis-Alphonse and Marie Munchen
Frédéric Georges Prosper Baron de Blochausen (1802-1886)
Portrait of Joseph of Blochausen
Tobacco jar of stanniferous earthenware from Septfontaines
Ornate vase
Officer's sabre
Arquebus with the arms of Claude de Neufchâtel, governor of the duchy of Luxembourg and lord of Berbourg
Veuglair with chamber
Stone cannon
8th Artillery Brigade, 4th Dragoon Regiment

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