23 01 ‘ 2015 museomag Second Life is not a game, Pit hastens to underline in the course of our conversation. There are no missions to complete, no points to collect. Instead – and this is what Pit loves about it – it is about creating a story yourself and putting yourself in the shoes of someone who lived in the nineteenth century. His representation of the fortress, uniforms and weapons are well-re- searched. Take a close look at the hats the soldiers are wearing and try to find the real thing during your mu- seum visit! And unlike most computer games, it does not feature a map to check where you are, ‘because you wouldn’t have that in real life either. We tried to keep it as realistic as possible.’ My question about when this story is set is quickly answered. The year is 1867. Not 1866, not 1868. And he explains why: ‘It’s just before the demolition of the fortress. It’s an intermediate phase.’ Following the mu- seum’s overall aim, it shows how Luxembourg slowly developed a national identity, with its own culture and its own army. ‘And’, he adds, ‘in 1867, it wasn’t razed yet and everything was still there. But it was also the final phase of the fortress. It was never as beautiful as in 1867, neither before nor after.’ Drop in on Sunday afternoons for open workshops. Check the Facebook page Fort Thüngen Virtuel to keep up to date! The event is ideal for anyone from 14 years onwards, but also bookable for Cycle 4 upwards. Liz Louis Next free workshops (from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.) with Pit Vinandy on Sunday the 4th and 11th of January, the 1st, 8th, 15th and 22nd of February, as on the 22nd of March 2015. © éric chenal Glisse dans la peau d’un soldat du corps de chasseurs luxembourgeois et découvre la forteresse à son apogée, en l’an 1867. Monte à cheval et apprends à utiliser des fusils et canons historiques. Crée toi- même l’histoire de ton personnage au cours une visite virtuelle du Fort Thüngen, lors d’un de nos ateliers ouverts à tous, et accèdes-y à tout moment par la suite après avoir créé ton compte… Idéal pour adolescents de 14 ans et plus. Prochains ateliers ouverts (de 14 à 18 h) avec Pit Vinandy les dimanches 4 et 11 janvier, 1er, 8, 15 et 22 février ainsi que le 22 mars 2015. EXPERIENCE